Winter/Spring 2012 Semester Registration

Registration for the Winter/Spring 2012 semester of South Hall Homeschool Co-Op is open!

Here are the details:

Our meeting time and location will remain the same– Tuesday afternoons @ Hopewell Baptist Church. PE Games period begins at 1:15 and regular class sessions begin at 2:00.

In order to be eligible for discounted fees for lead/co-lead teachers, your class subject must be pre-approved by Wendy or Rachael (please email or call us to discuss).

If you are a current member of SHHC (Fall 2011), all you need to submit for registration are your registration fees. Payment may be made by cash, check or Paypal (links in the sidebar).

New families must complete a Registration Form, Participation Agreement and sign a Statement of Faith. (links in the sidebar). Please email us if you need the address to send your documents and/or registration fees.

As always, a final list of available classes for the Winter/Spring 2012 semester will NOT be released until after Family Registration is closed. The reason for this is that we do not know for certain all the classes we will offer until we have our finalized list of teachers(parents). If you want to lead or co-lead teach, please let us know a.s.a.p. so you can have first choice of ages and subject matter! Classes are available for children from preschool through middle/high school as well as childcare for infants. Elementary age and higher classes will be available in age-appropriate ranges (typically K-2nd, 3rd-5th and 6th and up). Our parent-led classes are typically enrichment type and have included such topics in past semesters as: Lego Building, Unit Studies (Bugs, Dinosaurs, WWII, Colonial Life, etc.), Study Skills, Art (Embroider, Knitting, Great Artists, Duct Tape weapons, etc.), Movie Making, Literature Studies (Anne of Green Gables, Little House on the Prairie, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, etc.) and much, much more!

Early Registration Dates— Monday, November 7th – Tuesday, December 6th
Early Registration Family Membership Fees— Lead Teacher ($20), Co-Lead Teacher ($30), Assistant-only ($40)

Regular Registration Dates— Wednesday, December 7th – Monday, January 2nd, 2012
Regular Registration Family Membership Fees— Lead Teacher ($25), Co-Lead Teacher ($35), Assistant-only ($45)

Winter/Spring 2012 Semester Important Dates

Tuesday, January 24th– 1st day of classes (we will meet weekly for 10 weeks and will be done before Spring Break)
Tuesday, March 31– last day of classes

Tuesday, February 14th– Valentine Party
Tuesday, March 13th– Omni Fair and Family Night Program (date tentative)
mid-April– End of Year Family BBQ

If you have any questions, please email us at
We are looking forward to another great semester of Co-Op!!

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