Registration Update

The early registration period has now ended but regular registration for the Winter/Spring 2019 semester will continue through November 30th.  Registration fees are $65 per family.  Registration for specific classes will be held in early December once the Family Registration period ends.

These are the classes that are scheduled be offered during the upcoming term:
Growing Things
Time Traveler 
US Landmarks

God’s Indescribable Creation 
Heroes of the Faith
Charlotte’s Web 

Duct Tape Weapons 
Seven Wonders of the Ancient and Modern Worlds 

6th- 12th
Hymn Study 
Scripture Journaling 
No Bake Desserts 

Winter/Spring 2019 Early Registration

Early Registration for the Winter/Spring 2019 Semester of SHHC is open.

Here are the details:
Our meeting time and location will remain the same– Tuesday afternoons @ Hopewell Baptist Church. The optional PE Games period will begin at 1:15 pm and regular class sessions will start at 2:00 and end by 3:35 pm.

In order to be eligible for discounted fees for lead/co-lead teachers, your class subject must be pre-approved by Rachael or Heather (please email or call us to discuss).  Families new to SHHC this year are eligible to participate as “assistants only” during their first year– or they are certainly welcome to teach/co-lead teach a class!  If you have been a member for more than 2 semesters, we ask you to please take a turn at teaching/co-lead teaching– we will help you find a topic and curriculum!!
All new SHHC families must complete a Registration Form, Participation Agreement and sign a Statement of Faith (links in the sidebar). Please email us if you need the address to send your documents and/or registration fees. Payment may be made by cash, check or PayPal (links in the sidebar).  Please know if you choose to pay via PayPal, you will see a small addition to your total which is to cover the cost of PayPal’s fees.
Our list of Winter/Spring class offerings will be published in mid-November.  New families wishing to take advantage of early registration discounts, please be aware that our classes will be available for children from preschool through middle/high school as well as childcare for infants. Elementary age and higher classes will be available in age-appropriate ranges (typically K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th and high school). Our parent-led classes are typically enrichment type– you can see the actual classes we’ve offered in the past at the link on the sidebar.  If you have questions about potential classes for this fall , please email us and we’ll be happy to let you know which classes we currently have teachers for.
*** Please be advised, registration for specific classes will be held in early December AFTER Family Registration closes ***
Early Registration— October 16th- November 13th.
Early Registration Family Membership Fees— Lead Teacher ($30), Co-Lead Teacher ($40), New Families (1st or 2nd semester) ONLY ($50)
Regular Registration — November 13th- November 30th(or until all spaces are filled)
Regular Registration Family Membership Fees— $65 (current/previous members may be asked to co-teach a class if needed)

Winter/Spring 2019 Semester Important Dates
Tuesday, January 8th– 1st day of classes (we will meet weekly for 12 weeks)
Tuesday, February 12th– Valentine’s Day Party
Tuesday, March 26th– last day of Winter/Spring classes
April– Family Night (TBA)

Fall 2018 Classes

Here is a partial list of class offerings/descriptions for Fall 2018.  Class information will be updated as soon as it is provided.

Family Registration is open through July 28th.

K – 2nd

Planets (Coble/Lloyd)
Zoom with us through outer space and meet our planetary neighbors. Filled with facts and fun, this class will teach us about how unique God created each of the special spheres that make up our solar system.

Make an Apple Pie and See the World (Fetzer)
This class will be based on the book, Make and Apple Pie and See the World, by Marjorie Priceman.  Since the market is closed we will have to travel the world to find the ingredients for our pie.  We will study geography, learn how different foods are grown and harvested, make crafts, throw in some math (graphing, measuring, etc..)  and of course make an apple pie.  Supply Fee: $3 per child. 

Crafts (Stuckey)
Students in this class will use a variety of mediums to create various fun and colorful crafts that kids (and hopefully you) will be happy to display.  We will be exploring beauty in God’s creation using different textures, shapes and colors. Examples of possible projects include: luminous “fossil” prints, tempera paint pours, painted “glass” light catching rings, and glue paint symmetry prints.  Some crafts will require 2 weeks to complete, so we expect to complete 6-10 projects through the semester.  Some of the crafts will potentially be messy, so a smock (or old t-shirt) to cover clothes is recommended.  Supply Fee: TBD.

Apologia’s “Flying Creatures” (Morrow)
We are going to study birds, bats, and flying insects! We will investigate the dynamics of flight, learn classification skills, and explore how the design we see in flying creatures points us toward our Creator. 

3rd – 5th

American Girl Book Study (Young)
Travel back in time to the 1950s as we explore the world of Maryellen Larkin. Students will read the books at home throughout the semester, and we will gather each week to discuss the book and participate in crafts, snacks, and games from the 1950s. Girls are welcome to bring their American Girl doll with them each week if they would like! Supply Fee: $5 per student and the books Maryellen: The One and Only and Maryellen: Taking Off (these do not have to be purchased – they can be checked out from the library if you would like)
The Whipping Boy Literature Study  (Little/Perry)
Come on a fun adventure with this literature study of The Whipping Boy by Sid Fleischman.  We will have lots of hands-on, fun, and engaging activities to make this book a sure winner in the heart of your child.
Wild Animal Science (Dobda/Balkcom)
Ever wonder why polar bears can live in the Arctic or why cat’s eyes glow? In Wild Animal Science we will explore some of the whys of the animal kingdom! We will learn about how animals use special features to survive, the food chain, and much more. We will use hands-on experiments, books, and discussion to help us learn about some amazing animals! Supply Fee: $5 per student.
5th and up

Couch to 5K        (Blake/Odom)
In this class, students will have the opportunity to train to run a 5k (3.1 miles) race. Using the C25K App, even those who are new to running will be able to use the step-by-step, progressive program in order to work their way up to being able to complete a 5k. Students will learn about proper hydration and nutrition to get the most out of their race training, as well as  learn how to properly warm up, cool down, stretch, and strengthen their bodies for peak performance. While each student is encouraged to set and work toward their own personal fitness goals, we will also be offering the option for the students to sign up to run the Lake Lanier Nights of Lights 5K (which is usually held in early November.) This Christmas-themed race will be an optional, but recommended, reward for our time together, and will instill confidence, courage, discipline, and joy for everyone who chooses to participate. More information about the race sign up, including dates and pricing, will be sent home when available.

Given the physical demands of this class, it will only be available for grades 5 and up. Teachers, Hopewell Baptist Church, and South Hall Homeschool Co-op will not be responsible for any injures that could possibly occur with any level of physical exercise.  It is highly recommended that each student has access to their own C25K App in order to continue their training and keep up with their progress at home, as it will require 2 additional days per week (in addition to our class time) to be ready for race day. It is our hope that this class will be fun and will show students that there is nothing that they can’t accomplish if they are willing to work hard! And perhaps they may even discover a new hobby along the way. 

Logic and Reasoning (Crawford/Self)
The class will be based on the book, The Fallacy Detective (by Nathaniel & Hans Bluedorn). Students do not need to purchase or have access to the book. The class will cover the following:  1. Learning how to spot bad reasoning, 2. Learning to value good reasoning, and 3. Learning  how to avoid fallacies in your own reasoning.
6th and up

More Than Fun and Games (Deppe/Hall)
Students will learn to play many different card games and board games. The games will not only be for fun but will also teach a variety of skills such as vocabulary, grammar, logic, strategic planning and thinking, reasoning, problem-solving, and cooperation.
Shakespeare  (Chastain)

This class is focused on drama, acting, getting on stage will be a major part of what we do. Shakespeare was written to the people, not the high-brow of the day, and is good fun. I want my students to discover the joy of a good play, and where so many of the quotes we use, even today, have come from. Once into the language they will find it is not so very hard to follow and that they can read aloud. We will do mainly humorous plays. We will have field trips to the Shakespeare Tavern in Atlanta. I consider attendance on the field trip important to their overall grasp of Shakespeare. Seeing Shakespeare performed properly makes all the difference in finding a love of The Bard.
Crochet (Steinmetz)

Students will learn basic crochet stitches.  They will also crochet a small blanket.  Supply fee: $15 per student.

History of Sports    (Oates)

Some of your favorite sports may have been around for thousands of years, and some may not have been around for very long at all. You may know all the players of your favorite professional sport. You may know all the rules of your favorite sport to play. But do you know who the first people were to play basketball and why soccer is called football in other countries? What do you know about the history of your favorite sport?  Students will learn the history of several sports including football, basketball, baseball, and soccer.

8th -12th 

Speech    (Moore/Timms)
Whether you have a fear of giving a speech in public or just a fear of ordering out loud in the fast food line, you still have to communicate with other people. How can you learn to relax and get your thoughts out?  By practicing public speaking in front of a supportive and positive group of listeners!  This fall, we are offering a Speech Class using both the Seven Sisters Speech I curriculum and the Secrets of Great Communicators curriculum by Jeff Myers. We will be studying great speakers such as Ronald Reagan and Winston Churchill and applying what we learn from them.  We will also have many practical and easy public speaking activities in class that require little to no preparation so that we can all learn to feel more comfortable speaking in front of others.  Additionally, students will also write and present several speeches in class over the course of the semester that require preparation and practice at home.  By working together, we will take the fear out of communicating and learn the skills to go impact our world.

This class is being offered as a ½ high-school Speech elective credit for 9th- 12th grade students (and mature 8th graders, if space allows) and will include mandatory weekly homework. Students will need to complete reading, note taking and speech assignments outside of class so that we can spend class time discussing what they have learned, covering new material as well as practicing speaking in front of others.  At home work time should average 3.5 hrs. per week. Please do not sign your student up for this class if they are not willing/able to commit to the outside work that will be required.   Additionally, this class will meet during the PE class period (1:15-2:00) AND First Period (2:00-2:45) in order to have enough class time to cover the required material—students will need to be present for the entire 1.5 hours of class time.  Supply fee: $20 per child to cover the cost of a student workbook.

Early Registration for Fall 2018

Early Registration is now open for the Fall 2018 Semester!

Here are the details:
Our meeting time and location will remain the same– Tuesday afternoons @ Hopewell Baptist Church. The optional PE Games period will begin at 1:15 pm and most regular class sessions will start at 2:00 and end by 3:35 pm.

In order to be eligible for discounted fees for lead/co-lead teachers, your class subject must be pre-approved by Rachael or Heather (please email or call us to discuss).  Families new to SHHC this year are eligible to participate as “assistants only” during their first year– or they are certainly welcome to teach/co-lead teach a class!!!
All new SHHC families must complete a Registration FormParticipation Agreement, Statement of Faith and Liability Waiver (links in the sidebar). Please email us if you need the address to send your documents and/or registration fees. Payment may be made by cash, check or PayPal (links in the sidebar).  Please know if you choose to pay via PayPal, you will see a small addition to your total to cover the cost of PayPal’s fees.
Our list of class offerings will be published on this blog around July 1st.  New families wishing to take advantage of early registration discounts, please be aware that our classes will be available for children from preschool through middle/high school as well as childcare for infants. Elementary age and higher classes will be available in age-appropriate ranges (typically K-2nd, 3rd-5th and 6th and up). Our parent-led classes are typically enrichment type– you can see the actual classes we’ve offered in the past at the link on the sidebar.  If you have questions about potential classes for this fall before July 1st, please email us and we’ll be happy to let you know which classes we currently have teachers for.

Early Registration— Tuesday, May 15th – Saturday, June 30
Early Registration Family Membership Fees— Lead Teacher ($30), Co-Lead Teacher ($40), New Families/Assistant Only (1st or 2nd semester ONLY– after this, you need to teach or co-teach)($50)
Regular Registration — July 1- July 28 (or until all spaces are filled)
Regular Registration Family Membership Fees— $60 (current/previous members may be asked to co-teach a class if needed)

Fall Semester Important Dates
Friday, August 3rd– Registration for Fall Classes
Friday, August 24th– “Back to Co-Op” Family Outdoor Movie Night (tentative)
Tuesday, August 28th– 1st day of classes (we will meet weekly for 12 weeks)
Friday, September 28th– “Sophie & the Pirates” field trip @ Brenau University
Tuesday, November 13th– last day of classes
Tuesday, December 4th — Christmas Party (tentative)
December– Mom’s Only Favorite Things Christmas party (date TBD)

If you have any questions, please email us at

Early Registration for Winter/Spring 2018 Semester

Early Registration for the Winter/Spring 2018 Semester of SHHC will open on October 16th.

Here are the details:
Our meeting time and location will remain the same– Tuesday afternoons @ Hopewell Baptist Church. The optional PE Games period will begin at 1:15 pm and regular class sessions will start at 2:00 and end by 3:35 pm.

In order to be eligible for discounted fees for lead/co-lead teachers, your class subject must be pre-approved by Rachael or Heather (please email or call us to discuss).  Families new to SHHC this year are eligible to participate as “assistants only” during their first year– or they are certainly welcome to teach/co-lead teach a class!  If you have been a member for more than 2 semesters, we ask you to please take a turn at teaching/co-lead teaching– we will help you find a topic and curriculum!!
All new SHHC families must complete a Registration Form, Participation Agreement and sign a Statement of Faith (links in the sidebar). Please email us if you need the address to send your documents and/or registration fees. Payment may be made by cash, check or PayPal (links in the sidebar).  Please know if you choose to pay via PayPal, you will see a small addition to your total which is to cover the cost of PayPal’s fees.
Our list of Winter/Spring class offerings will be published around November 1st.  New families wishing to take advantage of early registration discounts, please be aware that our classes will be available for children from preschool through middle/high school as well as childcare for infants. Elementary age and higher classes will be available in age-appropriate ranges (typically K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th and high school). Our parent-led classes are typically enrichment type– you can see the actual classes we’ve offered in the past at the link on the sidebar.  If you have questions about potential classes for this fall before November 1st, please email us and we’ll be happy to let you know which classes we currently have teachers for.
*** Please be advised, registration for specific classes will be held in early December AFTER Family Registration closes ***
Early Registration— October 16th- October 31st.
Early Registration Family Membership Fees— Lead Teacher ($30), Co-Lead Teacher ($40), New Families (1st or 2nd semester) ONLY ($50)
Regular Registration — November 1st- November 30th(or until all spaces are filled)
Regular Registration Family Membership Fees— $65 (current/previous members may be asked to co-teach a class if needed)

Winter/Spring 2017 Semester Important Dates
Tuesday, January 9th– 1st day of classes (we will meet weekly for 12 weeks)
Tuesday, February 13th– Valentine’s Day Party
Tuesday, March 27th– last day of classes
April– Family Night (TBA)

If you have any questions, please email us at

Fall 2017 Family Registration is closed.

The registration period for our Fall 2017 semester has ended.  Please check back for registration information/dates for our Winter/Spring 2018 semester in early October, 2017.

If you would like more information about our group, have any questions, or would like to schedule a visit during the semester, please email us at the address on the sidebar of the blog.

Fall 2017 Classes

SHHC is pleased to announce our class offerings for the Fall 2017 semester.

Our meeting time and location will remain the same– Tuesday afternoons @ Hopewell Baptist Church. The optional PE Games period will begin at 1:15 pm and regular class sessions will start at 2:00 and end by 3:35 pm.
All SHHC families must complete a Registration Form, Participation Agreement, a Liability Waiver and sign a Statement of Faith (links in the sidebar) as well as pay a Family Membership Fee. Family Membership fees cover enrollment for all children in your family into one class per class period (two) for the entire 12 week semester.
Payment may be made by cash, check or PayPal (link in the sidebar).  Documents may be downloaded, scanned and submitted via email. If you prefer to send them and/or registration fees via mail, please email us for our mailing address. If you choose to pay via PayPal, you will see a small addition to your total which is to cover the cost of PayPal’s fees.

Regular Registration — July 1- July 28th (or until all spaces are filled)
Regular Registration Family Membership Fees— $65 

Fall Semester Important Dates

Monday, July 31st– Class Registration for member families
Friday, August 18th — Back to Co-Op Family Movie Night
Tuesday, August 29th– 1st day of classes (we will meet weekly for 12 weeks)
Friday, September 29th– Field trip to “Jungle Book” @ Brenau University
Tuesday, November 14th– last day of classes
Tuesday, December 5th or 12th — Christmas Party
December– Mom’s Only Favorite Things Christmas party (date TBD)

If you have any questions about registration, documents, classes or fees, please contact us at:

Please note that while we are making every effort ensure that these are the classes that will be offered this Fall, there remains the possibility of changes needing to be made due to unforeseen circumstances.  Also, please be aware that some of these classes may require an additional supply fee which will be indicated prior to Class Registration on July 31, 2017.

Fall 2017 Class Descriptions

1st Period


Book Sparks Art: Fire up your creativity and create a variety of art pieces. We will read books that will spark our imaginations and help us learn about different art techniques. We will use materials like watercolors, clay, oil pastels, and others create beautiful pieces of art.

Native Americans Unit Study: We will study different tribes and their culture. We will make some examples of their clothing, games, housing and food. The Semester will culminate with a “show and tell” pow wow where students will bring in either something they have made or collected that relates to one of the specific tribes.

3rd – 5th

Ancient History Unit Study:  In this class, we will be using The Story of the World,  Volume 1: Ancient Times to introduce ancient history to elementary students. The time span will be approximately from Sargon and the Akkadians, to Ashurbanipal’s Attack and the Library of Nineveh.  We’ll be doing read-alouds each week, along with questions, narration exercises, map work, coloring pages and activity projects to accompany the text.  I hope this class brings ancient history to your child in an engaging and memorable way. Supply fee $5.00 per student

Christmas Ornaments: Homemade Christmas ornaments not only look great on the Christmas tree, but can also make great gifts.  Join your Co-Op friends as we make twelve unique ornaments.  Keep all twelve ornaments to start your own collection, or give them to friends and family as a Christmas gift.  Supply fee: $8 per student.

6th and up

Lego Mindstorm: This class is an introduction to programming robots using the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Robotics System. Working in small groups, students will use a computer to program their robot to move, react, and make sounds in order to solve challenges.  As time allows, topics will include motor control, sensors, timing, program loops, logic gates, decision-making, timing sequences, and binary number systems as well as problem solving strategies. Supply Fee: $15 per student will be required and several laptops will be needed if you have one you can bring.

Jewish Holidays and Feasts: Through reading, food, and celebration traditions, this class will explore some of the greatest Jewish Holidays and how they relate to our lives today.   Supply Fee: $2 per student.

Trash to Treasure: In this class we will take ordinary household items and upcycle them into usable items.  There are so many things thrown away each day that could be given a new purpose. We will take trash and make it into treasure!! Supply Fee: $10 per student.

9th and up

Classic French Cooking:  This will be an advanced cooking class for students who are ready to tackle some new challenges in the kitchen.  We will create many classic French dishes such as crepes, quiche, chocolate mousse, French onion soup and beef bourguignon as well as learn some basic French phrases and words.   (Note: This class will be limited to 8 students and will have a supply fee of $25 per student.  In addition, students will need to bring their own basic kitchen tools each week–a complete list will be provided before the semester begins.)   
Second Period


Geography:  This class will study world geography and maps and will include various hands on activities. Supply Fee: TBD

My Father’s Dragon” Literature Study:  Lions, tigers, and …..a baby dragon? Oh my! Come on a fun adventure with this classic fantasy literature study, My Father’s Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett. Lots of hands-on, fun, and engaging activities to make this book a sure winner in the heart of your child.

3rd – 5th
Lego Building and Challenges: The students will be given basic challenges and encouraged to work cooperatively to build and present their Lego creations. They will have the opportunity for creative building as well as using problem solving and learning science concepts through the lessons presented each week. Supply fee: $5 per student.

3rd – 6th
See the Light Art: We’re picking up where we left off last semester with all new lessons, but even if you haven’t taken the previous lessons, you can still join.  We will also complete a special project. This class will use the DVD series “See the Light” where master artist, Pat Knepley, teaches step-by-step drawing lessons combined with Scripture.  (Supply fee: $10 for first time students to this class for an art kit that the student will use in class and will keep at the end of the semester. No fee for returning students unless all supplies need to be replaced.)
6th and Up

Stop Motion Film Making: Stop motion animation is a filming technique where you take MANY individual photos in a sequence, changing the photo only slightly each time.  The pictures are then played back rapidly to create the appearance of movement.  This class will be a lot of fun and harness students’ creativity.  However, keep in mind that this process takes patience and attention to detail, so please consider that when deciding if your student would like this class. For example, 10 pictures are taken for every second of film, so it is not a quick process.  But, the end results are so fun!
In this class, students will learn various stop motion animation techniques including time-lapse, using green screen, adding audio and special effects.  Various props such as Legos, Stick Bots, and clay with be used.  After several weeks of learning and practicing techniques, students will work in small groups to plan and write their own scripts and then create their own unique short films. Supply Fee: TBD The class will also need laptops/tablets and cameras so if your student is able to bring either or both of those items, that will be very helpful.  

Mock Trial: We will learn about the judicial system as we explore the world of lawyers, defendants, judges, and jurors. Students will develop skills in critical thinking, abstract thinking, organization, research, public speaking, and teamwork as they prepare for and participate in a Mock Trial.
8th and Up

“The Screwtape Letters” Literature Study: Each week we will discuss two or three chapters of this book by C.S. Lewis. (The chapters are short.) Students will need to read the assigned portion before each class and be ready to participate in discussion and related activities. No supply fee is required, but each family will need to obtain a copy of the book.

Early Registration for Fall 2017

Early Registration is now open for the Fall 2017 Semester!

Here are the details:
Our meeting time and location will remain the same– Tuesday afternoons @ Hopewell Baptist Church. The optional PE Games period will begin at 1:15 pm and regular class sessions will start at 2:00 and end by 3:35 pm.

In order to be eligible for discounted fees for lead/co-lead teachers, your class subject must be pre-approved by Rachael or Heather (please email or call us to discuss).  Families new to SHHC this year are eligible to participate as “assistants only” during their first year– or they are certainly welcome to teach/co-lead teach a class!!!
All SHHC families must complete a Registration Form, Participation Agreement, Statement of Faith and Liability Waiver (links in the sidebar). Please email us if you need the address to send your documents and/or registration fees. Payment may be made by cash, check or PayPal (links in the sidebar).  Please know if you choose to pay via PayPal, you will see a small addition to your total which is to cover the cost of PayPal’s fees.
Our list of class offerings will be published around July 1st.  New families wishing to take advantage of early registration discounts, please be aware that our classes will be available for children from preschool through middle/high school as well as childcare for infants. Elementary age and higher classes will be available in age-appropriate ranges (typically K-2nd, 3rd-5th and 6th and up). Our parent-led classes are typically enrichment type– you can see the actual classes we’ve offered in the past at the link on the sidebar.  If you have questions about potential classes for this fall before July 1st, please email us and we’ll be happy to let you know which classes we currently have teachers for.
Early Registration— Wednesday, May 17th – Friday, June 30
Early Registration Family Membership Fees— Lead Teacher ($30), Co-Lead Teacher ($40), New Families (1st or 2nd semester) ONLY ($50)
Regular Registration — July 1- July 31 (or until all spaces are filled)
Regular Registration Family Membership Fees— $65 (current/previous members may be asked to co-teach a class if needed)

Fall Semester Important Dates

Monday, July 31st– Registration for Classes
Friday, August 18th — Back to Co-Op Family Movie Night
Tuesday, August 29th– 1st day of classes (we will meet weekly for 12 weeks)
Friday, September 29th– Field trip to “Jungle Book” @ Brenau University
Tuesday, November 14th– last day of classes
Tuesday, December 5th or 12th — Christmas Party
December– Mom’s Only Favorite Things Christmas party (date TBD)

If you have any questions, please email us at