Early Registration for Winter/Spring 2017 Semester

Early Registration for the Winter/Spring 2017 Semester of SHHC will open on October 11th.

Here are the details:
Our meeting time and location will remain the same– Tuesday afternoons @ Hopewell Baptist Church. The optional PE Games period will begin at 1:15 pm and regular class sessions will start at 2:00 and end by 3:35 pm.

In order to be eligible for discounted fees for lead/co-lead teachers, your class subject must be pre-approved by Wendy or Rachael (please email or call us to discuss).  Families new to SHHC this year are eligible to participate as “assistants only” during their first year– or they are certainly welcome to teach/co-lead teach a class!!!
All new SHHC families must complete a Registration Form, Participation Agreement and sign a Statement of Faith (links in the sidebar). Please email us if you need the address to send your documents and/or registration fees. Payment may be made by cash, check or PayPal (links in the sidebar).  Please know if you choose to pay via PayPal, you will see a small addition to your total which is to cover the cost of PayPal’s fees.
Our list of class offerings will be published around November 2nd.  New families wishing to take advantage of early registration discounts, please be aware that our classes will be available for children from preschool through middle/high school as well as childcare for infants. Elementary age and higher classes will be available in age-appropriate ranges (typically K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th and high school). Our parent-led classes are typically enrichment type– you can see the actual classes we’ve offered in the past at the link on the sidebar.  If you have questions about potential classes for this fall before November 2nd, please email us and we’ll be happy to let you know which classes we currently have teachers for.
Early Registration— October 11th-November 1st
Early Registration Family Membership Fees— Lead Teacher ($30), Co-Lead Teacher ($40), New Families (1st or 2nd semester) ONLY ($50)
Regular Registration — November 2nd- December 2nd(or until all spaces are filled)
Regular Registration Family Membership Fees— $65 (current/previous members may be asked to co-teach a class if needed)

Winter/Spring 2017 Semester Important Dates
Thursday, January 5th– Mom’s Night Out
Tuesday, January 10th– 1st day of classes (we will meet weekly for 12 weeks)
Tuesday, February 14th– Valentine’s Day Party
Tuesday, March 28th– last day of classes
Friday, April 21st– Family Night (tentative)

If you have any questions, please email us at southhallhomeschoolcoop@hotmail.com.

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